Halifax: A Kids Top 10

The Big city, or at least our big city.

Halifax, Nova Scotia, is a crazy cool place with a deep history, walkable waterfront, and an absolute ton of family-friendly fun to be had. I know most of you reading this are probably only visiting the city for s hort amount of time, so I put together a short read to make sure you don’t miss a thing.

Everybody loves a Top 10, right? Dad says some guy named Letterman made that idea famous, no idea who he is, but let’s get to my list:

  1. The Discovery Centre
    A must-go! An interactive science museum that promises a day filled with learning and laughter. Hands-on exhibits, live science demonstrations, sweet theatre and a variety of educational programs. You can spend hours here, perfect for a rainy day when the beach isn’t on the agenda. Guaranteed home run for everyone.
    Discovery Centre Website

  2. The Halifax Waterfront
    Such an amazing place to get out and explore. There is always a ton going on and you can bring your dog for a walk here too. I love history and there is loads to learn about here, but the real treat is the treats. Lots of little vendors, like Cow’s ice cream, where you can grab some sugary junk and walk it off. If you don’t like crowds, stay away from going down here on the weekends, but there is usually lots of room. Super bike friendly too and you can even take a ferry ride to Dartmouth for a pretty cool view of the harbour.
    The Waterfront Day trip on Nova Scotia’s Website

  3. Maritime Museum of the Atlantic
    So much history! You can explore interactive exhibits, climb aboard historic ships, and even learn about the city's connection to the Titanic. Tons of maritime artifacts too. Full-on double threat here - educational and super-entertaining.
    Maritime Museum Website

  4. A Day of Disc Golf
    Should be number 1 on any list in my opinion, but for some reason number 4 here. Anyhow, Halifax has some pretty cool courses. My favourite in the city is the Hammonds Plains course. Dog friendly and totally family friendly. If you need discs, just email my Dad and we can hook you up or head over to Chain Reactions downtown for a super sweet selection. Hit up Vernons Diner next door right after for some classic East Coast chow. Trust me, try the milkshakes.
    Hammonds Plains Disc Golf Club Website

  5. Halifax Public Gardens
    A botanical oasis to take a leisurely walk through and lots of room for kids to stretch out. There is a really cool garden filled with super bright flowers, cool ponds, and connected by a series of winding pathways. Have a picnic, bring a frisbee and throw down some family time in classy style.
    Halifax Public Gardens Website

  6. Point Pleasant Park
    A combo of nature and adventure for families who love the outdoors, Endless trails, some cool playgrounds, and plenty of wide-open spaces for picnics and tossing it around. Amazing coastal views and diverse ecosystems, It’s like a school field trip and recess all wrapped into one place!
    Point Pleasant Park Website

  7. Halifax Citadel National Historic Site
    Travel back in time at the Halifax Citadel, a historic fort that allows families to experience how crazy life would have been in the 19th century. Watch the changing of the guard, participate in interactive demonstrations, and explore the tunnels and ramparts for a really unique history lesson. Come for the fun stuff, stay for the view! Can’t miss.
    Parks Canada Website for the Citadel

  8. Shubenacadie Wildlife Park
    Okay, a little outside of Halifax, but the Shubenacadie Wildlife Park is a haven for any animal lovers like me out there. With native wildlife exhibits, walking trails, and educational programs, this park provides an opportunity for kids to connect with nature and learn about the diverse fauna of Nova Scotia. Don’t believe me, check their Google reviews! Legit visit.
    Shubenacadie Wildlife Park Website

  9. Art Gallery of Nova Scotia
    Didn’t really want to include this one, but Dad says I have to. If your kid’s have an artistic side, then the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia is well worth a visit. There is actually a really neat collection of Canadian art, including pieces that kids can get into and appreciate. Check the schedule for family-friendly workshops and interactive exhibits too.
    The Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Website

  10. Bowling and Arcades
    Yes!!!!! How is this seriously number 10? On a rainy day or when you need a break from outdoor activities, head to one of Halifax's family-friendly bowling alleys or arcades. There are a bunch of venues that offer a lively gaming atmosphere with a variety of solid games, snacks, and, of course, the classic joy of smashing some little white pins. Don’t want to recommend just one here, there are a bunch of good ones.

So there you have it, my Top Ten things to do with kids in Halifax.

Let me know if you agree, disagree or think I missed something here. Maybe I will make Top 11 or 12’s my signature thing. Take that Letterman guy.


Vacation is for the kids, so I write for the people.


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Nova Scotia is for the dogs.